Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Booger-Nose and Poopy-Pants

Booger-nose is running through the house with a yellow yard stick, swinging it around like he is a ninja. Oh wait... no, he's a railroad crossing and a train is coming. He grasps the yard stick end with both hands and down it goes, "ding, ding, ding". It is just so exciting that I must watch it happen or else he appears exactly one centimeter from my eyeballs to make sure I see him. "I do see you," I say, but I would rather not have this exact vantage point because the booger in your left nostril is very close to my face.

Poopy-pants waddles his stinky bottom our way, coughing up a misguided sip of water from the Ozarka bottle he found under the couch. "Oh Poopy-pants are you Okay?" I say as I gently pat his belly. He looks happy to be belly-patted and encores with an experimental "cuh, cuh" just to see if I do it again. I do.

Suddenly, the yard stick whirls through the air searching for its next identity. It nicks a speck of paint off the wall and almost takes out poopy-pants altogether. Booger-nose does not notice though his eyes faithfully follow the whirring streak of yellow as if it might spring to life any second.

Poopy-pants is bored with coughing and is now perfecting his sneeze. "Ah, ah, ah, ah too!" He emphasizes the punchline so well that his whole body follows his nose straight into the carpet. He rolls over wondering where he is. "Yayyyyy!" I say to Poopy-pants and he smiles a big gap-toothed grin.

Booger-nose stops because he needs "a little bit of love". He crawls into my lap for a hug. Poopy-pants can't be left out and he waddles in too. I squeeze their snotty, stinky, little boy bodies.

Booger-nose and Poopy-pants, I couldn't be happier.


  1. Too, too, too cute.

  2. I've got a booger nose here this week but it's not anywhere near as fun as you make it sound!

  3. Ok...too funny. Katy Bug is bith booger nose and poopy pants at my house this week and I too love EVERY "stinkin" minute of it!!

  4. That was cute! Gotta love them even when they stink!

  5. Snotwad sure loves playing with those two...he secretly wants to be a Hawkins boy!

  6. Hey! I'm a christian mom who runs, too. This is awesome! I just found you through a blog called Deliberate Hope. I will be following your blog - check mine out as well...I'm a mom of three, who also loves Jesus, learning this Christian walk, being a mom, and trying to stay fit. Check it out! How many miles do you run at a time? My goal is to someday do a marathon...
    lets stay connected!
    I live in Vancouver, WA.

    My name is Angela! Blessings! And happy running..

  7. This one brings back memories.... the sights, the smells, the damage to the walls... good times.
