Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Prayer Running

My running partner, Jerri, and I have gotten very close in our three years of yapping running together.  Things between us got honest right away, since we both have unflattering mucous habits during exercise.  You can't put on airs while hocking and blowing phlegm every quarter mile, and we settled for intimate friendship over mutual disgust.  Recently, we decided to use our vulnerability with each other for a deeper purpose.   Instead of spending the last half of our run rehashing the conversation from the first, we do something more spiritual... you know... like pray

There is a beautiful street at the end of our run, lined with tall trees.  When we round the bend to this last stretch, it is praying time.  There are no rituals to make God seem far away. Our hands can't clasp, we can't bow our heads, we can't even close our eyes.  We are two friends talking to each other and to our God who is as close as our own breath.  Our prayers spout and gasp, but they surround us like little lamps, warming our insides with freedom and energy.   

There is no pretension.  Our confessions, our worries, the stones of our souls, they float off like bubbles as we stomp down the road. We pray for our favorites- Her Jerrod, My Greg, and the four babies between us.  We fight for them, with all the fervor our legs can muster.  We can't help it, as we speak we run faster and faster, as if our effort is the measure of our passion. 

When we finish, we are breathless.  We have shown each other our ugliest, our best.  Like two lovely warriors we walk along, sweaty and peaceful, ready for another day.


  1. this is so perfect--really-what a great piece. you sweet friend-and sweet jerri are precious!

  2. Love that. How precious for your family to reap the benefits.

  3. That time is so priceless. That is what Michele and I do. It is such an amazing time of being together, being so honest with your friend and with God before most anybody else is even awake. Praying for your family and friends and the things life throws at you. It is the most vulnerable time of day to just be completely you and completely LOVED. AMAZING!!!

  4. Love this post running mama!! What a beautiful picture of your relationship with Jerri! Hoping for some more running posts soon! And I can't wait to get with you about my new blog...I am in need of your creativity my friend. Love you!

  5. That is so cool! Thanks for a the great idea!

  6. That's a really beautiful ending to an entry I wasn't so sure about at the beginning - ha ha! Hoping to get back to blogging soon - too much on my heart! Don't know where to start!

  7. What a great idea and what a blessing to have someone share that time with!

  8. I do that in the car. The more I pray, the faster I drive. Notice, i am not running. :)

  9. Andi, that is so awesome. To have a friend like that who will run with you, pray with you, be real with you! I gotta email you a story that I have when I used to run with a really good friend of mine - but it's not appropriate for a public forum like this!! :-)

  10. Love this, Andi! Being out among the trees and the beauty of the outdoors is a great time to let God know how much we love Him, and appreciate all our many blessings! At the end of boot camp, we lay on our mats (on a driveway) and do abs work. While doing that, I look at the stars and the moon (end of class is 5:45 a.m.!), and talk to the GOD OF WONDERS, BEYOND OUR GALAXY...makes the abs work a little easier : )

  11. Awesome. Laughing because my new running partner and I (our first 3 runs this week!) quickly got over pleasantries with the "excuse me" after horking... a bond definetely forms with all that time running... Love this post and your blog's new look!

  12. Love this- such a great way to gather for prayer, and so intimate, too.
