So... we have snot. Drippy, watery, streaming, spoil-my-enjoyment-of-the-spring-weather booger juice. "You do not seem ill," you may surmise. And you would be quite correct. However, when you are three, even the slightest of ailments cannot be borne alone, and I have been invited along as the guest of honor to pull his highness's Kleenex's from the box and gently squeeze the mucous from his crusty little nose. A privilege that begins with a not-so-sweet directive ("MOMMMMMMMYYYY!! MY NOSE ARE RUNNIN'!!") and ends abruptly absent a "thank you". It appears the prince feels snot is "yucky" and is therefore unwilling to touch any, albeit his own.
I graciously accept this esteemed position, and as evidence of my gratitude I wish to thank the following:
Thank you pollen for blowing yourself around our yard and up Toby's nostrils so that he and I can enjoy the subsequent sneeze-a-thon.
Thank you Kleenex for folding your product so efficiently into the box that my son's chubby little fingers are unable to remove you without my assistance.
Thank you baby Charlie for your superior ability in outshining your brother and removing more than half of the Kleenex's without struggle before rendering them useless with your ample drool.
And last, I would like to thank antihistamines everywhere for never making Toby the least bit drowsy but giving him the extra umph he needs to stalk me from room to room all day.
At the risk of sounding unappreciative, is it unreasonable to expect even a teensy weensy bit, just a smidge really, of autonomy from a boy who can touch a warty frog, stand barefoot on a public restroom floor, and eat green beans dipped in ketchup and ranch dressing mixed together without even the slightest hesitation? Am I asking too much??
4 months ago
Now that was cute, Andi :)
ReplyDeleteRaegan just about implodes when her ranch and ketchup get mixed together...I'm not kidding. And I'm about to explode in frustration with the whining and constant battle over not wiping noses over here. Sorry to tell you - 3 going on 4 is NOT my favorite age at this point....
ReplyDeleteHILARIOUS!!! SInce I have seen this story in action, it makes me giggle. Come on Zyrtec, start working so Andi can have a break already! :) Had so much fun getting to spend some time together today!
ReplyDeleteI, too, have had the honor of wiping His Highness' nasty "noes" (as he explains "one noe on this side and one noe on the other side"). And you know what? I actually love being appointed to do so!
ReplyDeleteyou are too CUTE!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWrite-on sister ...
write-on!!!! :)
OK, so this one is by far my favorite entry!! Only because I have witnessed this "MOMMMMMMMY"......... wipe.."thanx". I dont have children to compare this to but.... When "Cooper" gets eye boogers, he tries to eat the tolite paper before I can get it to his super cursty-slimey eye. And then once I get it smeared off, he manages to find the dirty tissue in the trash and drags it into the living room and eats it. Only leaving pieces so small and wet that they smash into our carpet. But then I spank him and leave him outside for a couple of days!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo I didnt do that "preview" option before I posted my comment, and wow, I cant spell! forgive me, I am just a speech pathologist!