Sunday, October 5, 2008

Can You Believe This??

It has only been two weeks. The doctor said he is healed and he will have NO scars. Amazing.

God is good.


  1. God is awesome! You are a great mama!

  2. BTW This was for you my stalker.

  3. Always good.

    I'm so happy his hand healed so well! How's your heart healin'?

  4. My heart is good. I hate it that Charlie had to go through this, but I just comforted him and snuggled him and loved him in ways I hadn't occasion to yet, and overall, I think it bonded us together. God can take the yucky stuff and turn it into something good. Thanks Deliese!

  5. that little healed hand is a beautiful thing! God certainly is good.

  6. We serve an awesome God! I am so glad his hand is healing so well, I have been praying for you and the fam. Thanks for the update!

  7. Now you can always look at little Charlies hand and see God's power...pretty cool stuff, despite the ugly pain for sweet C. Love ya girl!

  8. You don't even know me, I found your blog through my friend, Tara. I just wanted you to know that I have been praying for you and Charlie, and yes, God is awesome!

  9. that is one handsome hand. i'd shake it. love you guys and thanks for the message the other day. becca
