Friday, September 26, 2008

It Was Coffee...

I still can't believe it. Charlie is doing very well. We went for a follow-up appointment Tuesday and the nurse said it looked good. At least I think that is what he said. I couldn't really hear anything over Charlie's uncontrollable hysteria. He lost it the millisecond we entered the clinic. We go back on Friday, Oct. 3rd to see the doctor and determine what therapy he needs. I am going to try to get my hands on a sedative... for Charlie that is.


  1. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry this happened. I can TOTALLY see this happening to anyone! What a freak accident. Praise God he will make a full recovery - but man that hand is scary!

  2. That picture makes me so sad!! Sweet Charlie boy. Hope things are calming down a bit for you. Love you and miss you!!!

  3. Yikes! That looks bad! We love you andi and pray for a speedy recovery for Charlie.

  4. holy cow. is he still in a lot of pain? it hurts me just to look at it.

  5. I am so sorry this happened to your sweet family. I hope the picture looks worse than it is. I am praying for you and your sweet baby boy. May God bring you peace to calm your home and quick healing to your baby's hand.
    Love Ya

  6. Hey, sweet girl --- Paula and I are so sorry about the accident. We're praying that he heals quickly and is able to sleep well.

    Love you guys!

  7. Wow, I can't believe that a cup of coffee burned him like that. I have been praying for your sweet boy and family since I read about this situation. Poor little guy, I am so sorry!

  8. I am so sorry, my heart hurts for you guys!

  9. Oh wow. Poor little guy.

    How's momma holdin' up?

  10. poor baby, and poor mom! i know a good hand therapist at baylor grapevine named karen if you need one. thanks for the comment on my blog. you are so sweet and i'm honored to be your friend. and you are a great mom!

  11. I can't believe coffee did this! Wow. I am so sorry. But I stand with you on a promise: He makes all things work for good.

  12. i am so sorry!!!

    i hope he heals quickly. =(
